This is book four in a previously great series. I know I say that too often, but it's true. After the second book only a truly dedicated author keeps the character development consistent enough to bring it off. Otherwise you end up with a book that has all the same names as the previous books, but the characters have all new personalities and the relationships are dropped (as in, they were deeply in love in book three, but the start of book four gives a paragraph about how it has all fallen apart and therefore makes it okay for him/her to cheat - umm, not!) so you're all confused and disappointed and left feeling like you missed the end of the movie and will never be able to see it again. What kind of editor would okay this?
The book was still good. It was creepy and tense, but the baddie is blatantly obvious from the first chapter and you find yourself yelling at the book everytime the main characters do something stupidly illogical and utterly out-of-character - even disregarding things that have been pointedly told to them which would have solved the mystery a hundred pages ago. Also, the supporting characters reactions to blair-witch situations were overly blase. I think there were just too many characters in this book and not enough room to develop them. It would have been better to cut them out and deepen the actions of the main characters. Still, I loved the main character, M.J.'s, verbal attack and non-violent solution to the character who was terrorising animals. Perfect.
The main character is M.J Holliday, she's a medium who generally runs a ghostbusting business with her friend Gilley, but, unfortunately, finds herself filming a ghostly program with another medium, Heath, in the haunted wilds of Scotland. The plot was great. It alone made the book worth reading and put me off going to Scotland any time soon. So if you like ghosties and ghoulies and things that go bump, screech and threaten-bloody-murder in the night try book one - What's A Ghoul To Do? And if you like the character Steven, M.J.'s boyfriend and investor in the business, give book four a miss and pretend they lived happily ever after at the end of book three.