Showing posts with label american. Show all posts
Showing posts with label american. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Kelly Moore - Amber House (2012)

This is the first book in the Amber House series and was co-written with Moore's two daughters Tucker and Larkin Reed.

The premise of this book was interesting, a house that absorbed the echoes of the past that members of the family could see by touching items belonging to their ancestors. I liked the whole one-action-changes-everything idea. The theory that a relative's past choices could shift the course of future family is very real, but not often noticed in real life, except for people who are researching their ancestry.

I think if we knew enough of the past we could avoid a lot of today's problems. But, people choose to forget, and, as in this book, misfortunes keep perpetuating themselves - just like in the echoes that Sarah keeps seeing, and using, to repair her families unhappy past-present.

The alternative timeline was fun - who hasn't looked back and thought if-only-I-had-done-that-differently? This is a book that makes that if only come true.