Showing posts with label demonds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label demonds. Show all posts

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Laura Bickle - Sparks (2010)

This is book two in Bickle's Anya Kalinczyk series. Anya's a Lantern - she can communicate with ghosts and consume the nastier ghosts or demons that cannot be convinced to 'go towards the light' and stop tormenting the living. Anya is protected by her familiar, a cute and lovable magical salamander named Sparky, given to her by her mother and who, generally, stays in a torc around her neck... except when he's getting up to mischief and destroying any electrical equipment in his vicinity. Curiosity seems to be a salamander's besetting sin.

I found the beginning of the book a little confusing, it started too close to the way book one began. Different location, different person, same fire. This didn't last very long and I was fast drawn into an excellent storyline. We finally find out more about the fire when Anya was 12 years old, but it only brings up more questions about who her father is. Here's hoping all will be explained in book three!