I've missed pure fantasy novels. Elves and magic-users, rogues and thieves, goblins and demons, it's all in this fantasy series. This is book four in the Raine Benares novels.
Raine is a seeker and a finder. If it's lost she'll locate it, whether it's an object or a person. She's an elf who comes from a long line of thieving pirates, but they're a close family. They stick by her and love a good brawl, especially in a brothel! And, since Raine is accidently bonded to a soul-sucking stone that every goblin and his demon wants to possess, she's often in the midst of a good brawl. Fortunately there's always a nearby tavern to take the edge off once the fun is over.
I can't say too much more without giving the best parts of the book away. The author is strongly descriptive and has a fantastic sense of humour. It's a great read. I really cannot wait for book five, but i'm trying not to send the author any "Hurry Up!!" emails... today at least.
Thank you so much for your wonderful review -- I'm so glad you loved Bewitched & Betrayed! Con & Conjure will be out on March 29, but as a Christmas present to my fans, I'll be posting the first three chapters on my website the week before Christmas. Be sure to stop by and read your gift. ; )
Take care!
Thanks so much! Con & Conjure was fantastic!
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