Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lisa Shearin - Bewitched and Betrayed (2010)

I've missed pure fantasy novels. Elves and magic-users, rogues and thieves, goblins and demons, it's all in this fantasy series. This is book four in the Raine Benares novels.

Raine is a seeker and a finder. If it's lost she'll locate it, whether it's an object or a person. She's an elf who comes from a long line of thieving pirates, but they're a close family. They stick by her and love a good brawl, especially in a brothel! And, since Raine is accidently bonded to a soul-sucking stone that every goblin and his demon wants to possess, she's often in the midst of a good brawl. Fortunately there's always a nearby tavern to take the edge off once the fun is over.

I can't say too much more without giving the best parts of the book away. The author is strongly descriptive and has a fantastic sense of humour. It's a great read. I really cannot wait for book five, but i'm trying not to send the author any "Hurry Up!!" emails... today at least.


Lisa Shearin said...

Thank you so much for your wonderful review -- I'm so glad you loved Bewitched & Betrayed! Con & Conjure will be out on March 29, but as a Christmas present to my fans, I'll be posting the first three chapters on my website the week before Christmas. Be sure to stop by and read your gift. ; )

Take care!

Ex Libris said...

Thanks so much! Con & Conjure was fantastic!